Karate / Taekwondo


feat. Steven Da Costa, Cyrian Ravet
Musée Bourdelle, 2024


Exploration artistique et athlétique où les pas de danse s’entremêlent avec les mouvements stratégiques des joueuses de handball 🏆
Merci à @edffhandball et aux joueuses @pauletta.sorea @gracezaadi @tamara_horacek d’avoir accepté mon invitation à l’intérieur du prestigieux @museedartmodernedeparis et de s’être laissé porté devant les œuvres de Raoul Dufuy et Robert Delaunay 🎨

#FaireVolerleSport #ParisMusees #FetesLesJeux

Artistic and athletic exploration where dance steps intertwine with the strategic movements of handball players 🏆 Thanks to @edffhandball and the players @pauletta.sorea @gracezaadi @tamara_horacek for accepting my invitation inside the prestigious @museedartmodernedeparis and be carried away by the works of Raoul Dufuy and Robert Delaunay 🎨


Limited edition art photos available
Includes certificate of authenticity, numbered and signed by artist.
Once an edition is sold out it will not be restocked.

*Shipping not included


Mathieu Forget alias Forgetmat is a world renowned movement artist and creative director who specializes in movement and lifestyle art.
Originally from Paris, dancer, photographer and performer, he embodies a new vision of dance that is both digital and real.

Mathieu aspires to promote the freedom of expression, surpassing oneself and helping to mix styles. Also known as “The Flying Man”, thanks to his non-fake photos and videos reaching million of views, Mathieu defies the laws of gravity through his levitating work.

Passionated by architecture, he knows how to highlight the world that surrounds him by creating surreal and poetic concepts. This multi-disciplinary artist invites you to travel into unknown land.

Ready for take off?